Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Oh, These Bonds of Lust!

Vivek was so excited. He had finally met a girl that captured his attention for more than the moments in which their lips were locked. She seemed to be interesting, and goofy, and best of all she was great in the sack. He was quite excited about this promising new relationship. The beginning of any relationship is always awesome because you find out new things you have in common with someone who was once a stranger. You learn that you have similar experiences, and you have stories that make each other laugh. Vivek was living this reality, and couldn't have been happier.

However, as in all walks of life, even relationships come across their hickups. You have to make certain decisions which are quite important. You have to step away from the fun roller coaster ride that is the beginning, and think about who you are as a person first, and whether or not this new person is a compliment to that. Vivek, sat long and hard. He pondered about who he was. He realized that he was a fun-loving chap, who enjoyed sports, comedy, and good movies as well as a stiff drink, and this girl seemed to be the same way. He knew he was the kind of guy that gave 100% to everything he did, and expected it in return from others. He also knew, in his heart of hearts that he was not the most innocent man walking the Earth. He knew that he had his way with a variety of women, and knew this woman was also not the most innocent. They had "the talk", where they talked about their pasts, and past relationships. They knew that each of them had their fare share of sexual journeys and exploits, and they were okay with it, or so he thought.

It was a quiet summer evening, when one of Vivek's buddy's decided to invite everyone over for a barbecue and a few brews. Mostly, it was everyone from college, and some of Vivek's cousins as well. They were all catching up since it had been a while before they had seen each other last. "So what's new with you bro? Whose pants you trying to get into these days?" asked his friend John. "Nothin much man, just working" he responded. "Yeah, I hear that bro. So any new targets in your life?" That's always what John referred to women as. Vivek, went ahead and explained to his friend John that he was talking to this the new lady. He explained how they met at a bar, and how he likes her with a bit of pride in his voice. John's response caused Vivek's heart to skip a beat, and formed an apple size lump in the back of his throat.

"You serious?" John asked. You really like her?" Vivek responded that he did. "So, what does Adhitya taste like?" he asked. Vivek was completely confused, and scared. John had gone on to explain that the girl Vivek was seeing had in fact hooked up with a guy, who had in fact hooked up with Vivek's gay frat brother Adhitya. Before John even finished the explanation, Vivek knew the ending. He washed out his mouth with Listerine, and then tried to wash out his mind with large shots of Jack Daniels. Although Vivek got hammered that day at the barbecue, he did realize that no matter how much he drank he wasn't going to change the past, so he decided to embrace the future. He continued to see the girl, and soon realized that these "bonds of lust" will be ever entangled, and sometimes even disgusting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmm.. I wonder if this "friend" Vivek is really you?!?
