Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Angry Mexican

I recently came across this video clip. Its quite hilarious because it shows the "inner beast of unstoppable rage" to be a crazy Mexican dude (Courtesy of Jimmy Kimmel). I watched this video clip with great delight and thoroughly laughed my ass off.

As I was watching this clip, a thought occured to me. I began to there not an angry Mexican in all of us? I mean, I think its safe to say that we've all had these crazy moments in our lives where we are just an uncontrollable force. When we get so mad, that we don't care about what's happening, and we just lose it. The worst part is, in these moments we believe we are greater than what we actually are.

It happened to me many years ago. I was driving my car, and I made a left turn into a street. Some guy was backing out of a drive-way and didn't see me coming, and almost hit me. I swerved out of the way. I was pissed, I was furious, I WAS THE INCREDIBLE HULK! I started yelling and screaming at him, just spewing all kinds of verbal diarrhea at him. Then I did one of the stupidest things in my life. I uttered those stupide words "Don't make me get out of my car and teach your cracker ass how to drive. I'll fuckin kill you! You don't know me! YOU DON'T KNOW ME! I will destroy you!". To which he responds "oh yeah? Well let's do this then!"

Now I'm not a guy who is typically intimidated by other men. However, when this 6-foot something monster stepped out of his Corolla there was only one thought going through my mind. "How the fuck did he fit inside that Corolla?!?" I mean this man was huge. He got out of the car, and started pummeling his 300 lb of fury in my direction. In that moment, a very important thing happened. I realized I was not the hulk, but rather Guillermo the parking attendant. So being the realistic guy that I am I did the one thing there was to do......I peeled the fuck out of there and learned my valuable lesson.

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