Sunday, June 8, 2008

Yoga - Not Just a Cool Trend Anymore

I remember a long time ago when Yoga was thought of as some weird stretching done by spaced out guys in the jungles of India. It is no longer the case. I recently learned that more than 15 million Americans practice yoga now. That number shows an increase of nearly 30 percent just last year. Bikram Yoga is the hottest new trend of Yoga. As NPR describes it its where "Western Capitalism meets the spiritual teachings of Yoga". With thousands of Bikram Yoga studios across the nation, Bikram Chowdury has setup quite a Yoga Empire unto himself.

Recently many friends of mine have started yoga as well. What I find quite ironic about this is that these same friends when they were told about the benefits of Yoga by their parents found it to be "hindu witchcraft" and are now realizing the untapped resource they had inherited from their culture. What I find more fascinating is the spiritual aspect of Yoga. It seems to be the only venu I can think of where one gets to be spiritual, and relaxed, without any agenda of religion.

I recently had a few yoga lessons myself from a friend of mine who became a certified instructor. At first I didn't know what to expect. However, by the end of the lesson I was beat. I can honestly say that it was one of the most punishing, intense, and blissful workouts I'd ever done.

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