Sunday, August 17, 2008


I remember it like it was yesterday. On a regular Saturday afternoon, my outlook on life had completely changed. It was quite unexpected, and unusually disruptive to the core of my being. After it happened, I would never be the same. Its funny how simple words can change the course of your life forever. Sometimes they are words of joy, and sometimes of sorrow, and occasionally they can be just pure shock. I have a sister, and several female cousins, who keep me honest, and true to my word. If I say something or claim to have done something they definitely do their part to ensure that I'm not just blowing smoke, and for that I always thank them. But this one day, what they did was simply change everything.

I sat down in my living room, like I had done many times before. We were watching TV and everything was just fine. Then my sister turns off the TV and turns to me. "We need to talk". I figured it would be no big deal, and so I responded "Sure, what's up?" As she said the words, I thought for a minute there is no way she is talking about me. She is talking about someone else, and that in no way shape or form are her words directed at me. It could not be, and I was in denial. Sometimes, the truth is so shocking it seems fictitious. In one brief little moment she uttered the words that completely changed my life. "You are a metrosexual."

"What!?!" "You are fricken crazy. There is no way!" "Metrosexuals get there eyebrows waxed and their nails done, I don't do that stuff!" "Your nuts". I don't know why I was so upset, I guess I just thought of myself as more of a rugged man, and person but I clearly was not. Excuse me, am not. As I was firing off a barrage of excuses, she did the one thing that proved once and for all that in fact I am a metrosexual. "What gel do you use?" she asked. As soon as she asked the question, I knew it was true, because I knew the answer. The truth does set you free, but in my case it also can be a shot of reality. In a shameful voice, I answered "I don't use gel. I use D:Fi pomade, because it gives my hair better control and texture." I said it, and I knew my sister and cousins were right, because normal people don't drive 20 minutes for a hair product, but I do.

After that moment, a lot of things became much more clearer. It explains why my closet has so many colored shirts that you may think I work at Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. Its awkward to say, but I am in fact a metrosexual. I don't get my nails done or eyebrows waxed, but I do accommodate for the amount of time it will take to do my hair in my morning routine. I have a preference in body wash and I have a variety of facial washes that are used for different things. Is it wrong? No, it certainly is not. Does it make me gay? No, it just gives me something to talk to gay guys about.

I guess deep down inside, I wanted to picture myself as an adventurer/explorer who was rugged and tough. I probably should've realized that this was not the case because the idea of camping out in a tent is quite horrifying to me. You may have had a similar experience in your life, and I hope you've learned to accept and embrace who you are. I know I have. My silver bracelet shows pride and acceptance every time I rock it.


Debraj said...

Hilarious blog post dude! My favorite line.. "does it make me gay? No. It just gives me something to talk to gay guys about."

You should try your hand at writing for SitComs, my friend :)

The Indian Guy said...

Appreciate the sentiment brotha! Let me know if you have any contacts lol :)

Allison of Altamonte said...

You are definitely metro. and you got me addicted to D:Fi... I have three jars lololol

Allison of Altamonte said...

you are definitely metro... and you got me addicted to D:Fi... I have 3 jars lolol

Anonymous said...

dude..ur talking about driving 20 mins for d fi..i know someone who had his friends carry 6 months supply of bed head and pomade to india ..and of course its me :)! call it metrosexual but i just choose to look better than the average dude on the street..

The Indian Guy said...

I'm just saying, its pretty funny when a straight male can convince a woman to use a new hair product.

Parag - in the words of my sister "Do you boo-boo, do you". Pimpin ain't easy, and I understand that its no accident that a monsoon rain storm can't ruin your hair my friend!
