However, if there is one thing people need to understand about Indians is that once we show up somewhere, we don't leave. Ask London. Now, that we've busted the door and came dancing into the Academy Awards, I'm willing to bet we'll probably be around in this arena for a while (just look at how much software is used to make movies). Therefore, I thought the following suggestions might help the Academy Awards get more in touch with their new consumer base - The Indians:
1. There should be a Bollywood style dance number
- I believe by doing this, they can show Indians that hey we like to have lots of people dancing on stage and into the music of a movie too. However, to make it more authentic I think the backdrop should change to show different locations of the world like they do in the Indian movies.
2. There should be a category for "Best Almost Kiss" in a movie.
- Since Indians just like to do the dirty-dirty behind closed doors and not "glorify" acts of love on screen, their movies tend to be this way as well. For example, an actor and actress will declare their love for each other, get hot and heavy and then make an attempt at a kiss, only to get 1 inch away from the other's lips and then turn away. All the movies have this, and it probably explains why there are so many frustrated people in that country.
3. There should be a category of "What the guy was willing to give up".
- Most Indian movies are about love. When a culture has a caste system often class can come between love. So being the idealistic people that Indians are, they often create love stories that overcome social circumstance. Unfortunately, they just go a little too far. Most of the love stories I've seen involve some wealthy man who meets a girl that is broke and humble. He sees her helping a blind man cross the street or helping a young kid learn his ABC's and pronouncing "Zed" and decides he loves her. He decides he will give up his family and all his money for "true love". They usually end up having the guy's family accept him back and having both the family and the cash. However, people don't understand that when your a billionaire you can probably have the girl without having to give up all your money. But then again, how else you gonna kill 3 hours?
4. There should be a category for "How long can you stretch a movie"
Indians love value and more importantly a bargain. If you don't believe me, go to your local supermarket when corn oil is on sale. Therefore, often times a movie that can be made in an hour is usually extended to 3 hours. Often the story takes unnecessary turns just to make a point that was made at the 45 minute mark. However, the movie-watcher gets his or her 3 hours for the money they paid and that's final! I think its only a matter of time until we run out of ideas and humans start falling for Aliens, and Will Smith will probably be involved.
5. There should be a pani poori stand by the entrance
Considering everybody is wearing fancy ass gowns and tuxedos I think it would be pretty damn entertaining to watch these people eating pani pooris and having that broadcast to the world. Personally, I think it would be pretty hilarious to watch Jack Black eating pani poori before he got on stage to make his speech and then got the farts, but hey, that's just me.
All in all, this movie really helped put India on the map. It showed that Indians are not just quickie mart owners, software programmers, or doctors. It showed that we too have the ability to love another person and their millions.