Friday, August 29, 2008

What a Nice Guy

A few years ago, I was at a cafe with a cousin of mine. It was a nice summer evening, and we were having some coffee and catching up on the important questions in life such as whether or not to keep the significant others we were involved with. To take a break from what we were discussing, I told my cousin about what happened to me at the gym earlier that day. Her reaction as well as that of those around me was completely shocking. I simply could not believe it.

From what I've read its healthy to exercise every muscle in the body when you are lifting weights. So I had a day dedicated to each muscle group. Thursdays, was my day to do legs. I came in like I did every Thursday. I stretched out, warmed up, and began to do some serious weight-lifting exercises on my legs. The thing with working out your legs is that you end up pretty much using every muscle from your waist down - especially the Glutus Maximus. Its pretty much involved in every motion, and is therefore used in most exercises. After a rigorous leg workout your probably walking around like your drunk, because your body will have trouble supporting its self.

Anyhow, I went about my routine. I did the dead-lifts, calf-raises, and all the other various exercises to give myself the toned legs I love. In between each set, I'd bend over and stretch out so I didn't pull anything. Finally, I got to the most painful of leg exercises - the Squat. It was a bit crowded that day in the gym so I noticed a guy standing to the back and side of where I was squatting. Figuring he was just waiting for me to finish I offered him a chance to work in with me. "Dude, I just started here, and its packed so if you want, you can work in with me". "Really?" he responded with genuine shock. "Ya man, its no big deal. I don't own the place. I got four sets on this so it might take me a while." "That sounds great man" he replied. So there we were just two dudes, doing squats and working out our legs. After I finished my last set he asked me "Dude, do you work out here often? I don't think I've seen you here before". "Me? Yah, I'm here all the time" I replied. "Oh, well, most guys that come to this gym never work out their legs. Do you work out legs regularly?" he asked. I told him "In fact I do. Pretty much every Thursday." The next part is what totally changed my gym experience forever. "Well listen, do you mind if I work legs with you next Thursday? It would be nice to have a partner for once". Not knowing what to say, I simply responded "yeah".

"Are you a freakin moron?!? Please tell me your not that naive and stupid!" my cousin yelled at me. "What? He just wanted to work out. What's the big deal?" My cousin than said something to me that truly rattled me, and made me feel stupid. "Nirav, look at the size of your ass man! Who the hell wants to work out with you! That dude was gay, and he was trying to pick you up....and I think you let him! Have fun!" I couldn't believe it. She was right. I have some serious junk in my trunk, and this man was admiring it. I felt so violated, I felt so wrong, I felt like a woman in most venues. "No way" I said. "He just wanted to work out man, that's what guys are like at the gym". Just then a stranger sitting at the table next to us leans over and says "Bro, I work out, and I never want a partner when doing legs. I think he wanted to squat more than just weights with you bro".

It was true. I officially got hit on for the first time at the gym by a dude. Whether it was on purpose, or whether my booty or my stupidity brought it on, I will never know. I do know one thing though, I stopped doing legs on Thursdays.


Andrew said...

Ha ha ha ha ha!

As a quick rule of thumb, assume everyone at the gym is gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Anonymous said...

LOL. Well you've always been clueless about this. This is just the first time at the "GYM". My buddy V has the same problem...I'll tell u later. He goes to the gym a lot that might be the connection..hahah.
