Friday, September 26, 2008

Women Parasites

Not too long ago, I was having a stressful day at work, and a good friend who I'll call AJ, agreed to help me kill some brain cells by pounding some booze. The effect was magical. Before I stepped into the establishment, my head felt heavy, and my neck, and shoulders felt like I had the world's problems on them. A few brews in, I was light on my feet, and felt loose enough to take on the world. As men often do when releasing stress, me and my buddy got to talkin.

"So how's things with your girl?" I asked. "Could be better" he said. Now you should know one thing about AJ. He is one of the most analytical people I've ever met. I mean everything to this guy is an analysis. A drink of water will only occur, if the investment of time and effort put into getting it, is worth it. He thinks about everything in terms of timing, effort put in, and what is gained. Everything accept one thing that is - his girlfriend. He said something quite interesting to me when he uttered the words "If I was thinking about this rationally, I'd have let her go by now. But at some point you've got to throw logic and rationality out the window and use your emotions I guess. If you don't , your not human". For him to say this, for me was the ultimate testament that people are emotional creatures more than anything.

Getting deeper into the conversation he said something that I'll never forget. "There's something to be said about the parasitic nature of women" were the words he spoke that stuck to my mind. For some reason, this statement sparked a curiosity in my mind, and I did a little homework. According to wikipedia "Parasitism is a type of symbiotic relationship between organisms of different species[citation needed] in which one, the parasite, benefits from a prolonged, close association with the other, the host, which is harmed. In general, parasites are much smaller than their hosts, show a high degree of specialization for their mode of life and reproduce more quickly and in greater numbers than their hosts". "The harm and benefit in parasitic interactions concern the biological fitness of the organisms involved. Parasites reduce host fitness in many ways, ranging from general or specialized pathology (such as castration), impairment of secondary sex characteristics, to the modification of host behaviour. Parasites increase their fitness by exploiting hosts for food, habitat and dispersal."

Upon reading this definition, I felt a sense of familiarity come over me. Kind of like those situations you see sometimes and think "Oh yeah, I know exactly what that feels like". He said as we carried on talking, that he didn't mind this, but its just that once in a while, when he needed something he just assumed she'd be there, and when it doesn't happen you kind of feel like sh*t. All of this was a bit much to take in at once. The two voices in my head (Stella Artois and Sam Adams) were screaming how much my friend was right! However, I had to think about this. Are women really parasites to men? Do they get more out of a relationship than men do?

Well, I thought I'd think this out point-by-point and see if women fit this definition:

1 - Parasites are much smaller than their host
Yes, but not always, since some dudes like more "cushion for the pushin"

2 - Show a high degree of specialization for their mode of life
Most women I know are pretty much all over the place all the freakin time. If I need a quick decision, I would probably avoid asking a woman, however if I needed a smart decision, that's probably the way to go, since we all know what "head" men use 98% of the time. This theory doesn't really fit.

3 - Reproduce more quickly and in greater numbers than their host
This one is just self-explanatory

4 - Parasites reduce host fitness
This one can go either way. Women either piss men off so much, that they go to the gym to blow off steam, or they drive them to alcohol/drug abuse. Either way you develop a tolerance for pain.

5 - Modification of host behaviour
I believe there is no question regarding this trait. A man, any man, always behaves differently when he's in a relationship, than when he's not. I have a buddy who when he was single got to 3rd base with a girl in a club one night, then asked everyone to smell his finger. This same buddy of mine, is now telling me he's ready for kids.

In conclusion, although this is an interesting comparison if I concluded that women were parasites, I probably would never get laid. But besides that, I think women are a necessary part of being a man. They get us to see things differently, and sometimes its good, and sometimes it ain't.


Anonymous said...

Though your anaolgy is both humorous and interesting, I think, especially with desi guys, the whole man-woman debate is seriously complex. Indian men want, essentially, what their mothers are to their fathers...but that's a whole other discussion for another day. But I will say this: if women to men what parasites are to hosts, should men not make themselves less susceptible to disease? I think at the end of the day, men are just parasitically inclined. I mean seriously, Sam Adams can be there for you, but I don't know many men who want to spoon with him.

The Indian Guy said...

Dear "just another parasite" I do fully appreciate your point. Men should definately do a better job of not being so susceptible. However, I think as creatures of evolution that's exactly what happens. Should we learn to not be susceptible, women will always adapt lol.

In regards to Sam Adams, we're not looking to spoon with him, he just helps us talk out our problems sometimes, and if not that at least he's a good friend in helping us forget for a little while. However, I wouldn't rely on him too much, since you probably won't get far in life if you do.

Anonymous said...

noted. :)

Anonymous said...

even though i'm an apparent 'parasite' i thought the post was brilliant :) was wondering if you could right an article on alcohol induced blackouts - just curious to know if you or any of your multitude of friends have had one - and whats your opinion on someone cheating during a blackout? where does the line of blame get drawn? looking forward to a post..

The Indian Guy said...

Dear Anonymous,

I will certainly write a post on alcohol-induced blackouts. Thank you for reading. If you like what you read, please tell your friends to check out this blog :)

Anonymous said...

remember one thing though .. men cannot live without these parasites sometimes !

Anonymous said...

"remember one thing though .. men cannot live without these parasites sometimes !"

once again we see with the above post and the general attitude of this post as supporting the societal view that men are somehow deserving to be parasitized by women

just because some of you men have willingly gave your cut balls to a woman doesn't mean we're all like that. Please keep your emasculation to yourself, and if you think men "need" parasites well why not give them some leeches for their birthday! Idiots...

Shamelessly Opinionated said...

on the reproductive seems like men are more parasitic because a woman can have only so many children with a nine month incubation period and can avoid reproduction all together if birth control methods are used or the woman is unable to have children. Men, on the other hand, reproduce by dispersing millions of microscopic host seeking sperm that migrate by competitively swimming for their lives inside of their host. Men carry and can deposit or spread these parasitic sperm among many hosts or surfaces and a strong swimmer can cruise around for a few days in search of an egg i believe. A woman's egg doesn't seek a host, rather it chills aloofly and is sought after by the sperm and can effect more than one host simultaneously and be spread communicably. and as some parasites they are also beneficial because they are necessary for human (a male or female parasite) reproduction, high in protein, and good for your skin.... just sayin... ;)~this opinion has been provided to u today by Stephanie Robinson

Anonymous said...

pfff, there she comes, the parasite who commented on 6th sept 2012, because she could not refrain at all from letting go an article which is 5 years old.
pathetic PARASITE, the example u bring is the typical parturition of a parasitic mind like yours, which was totally expected and here's the answer for u.
males put their sperm in parasitic females, who flirt males, to get impregnated.
like it happens in nature, females show off their pussies to get the males to stick their penis in the parasitic hole.
even the concept of PENIS AND HOLE, gives a clear image of WHICH one is clearly a sucker of energy, a parasite: *THE HOLE*.
is not a case that, in human body, the one and only organ which serves the only purpose of "getting pleasure" is the clit.
males do not have any organ which is exclusively for the purpose of getting pleasure.
you females, namely parasites, do have it.
you females are parasites by nature, by defition.
now some parasite will reply: look, u are an ignorant, u cant even type by comply to correct punctuation, and such blablablabla.
typical parasites, who pay more attention to appearance rather than to the substance.
females = parasites

Anonymous said...

Herein lies the theory of "Tolerable Exploitation"

I’ve come to the conclusion that as in nature many of us males should NOT be “allowed” to reproduce. Egalitarian and Socialist ideals aside, part of the Law of the Jungle is to exclude the “unfit” from mating behavior to maximize the long tem success of a species.

This simply means that many men can’t AFFORD the luxury of one or more women as lovers or reproductive mates. Instead of believing the communal property lie of communism, we should take heart that if we CAN afford the parasitism of females we have ATTAINED the RIGHT to reproduce. If not, we can find other pleasures in life, or be propelled by motivation and ambition to reach the zenith of manhood and THEN take a wife or some such arrangement.

Cognitive dissonance is the mental state where what we know to be true does not match the rational behavior that is appropriate to that knowledge. Universal dating and marriage in a situation where most men are not worthy in one form or another can be considered one of the factors that leads to more than half of all such unions ending in dismal failure.

Empowerment of the more negative aspects of female behavior could be considered another such factor.
